Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tooth of the mind?

A week ago I had my last wisdom tooth removed, and since have been in a haze of pain, self pity, distrust and self judgement, hummm not really the mind set of a practicing yogi is it?
Last night I watched one of my favourite movies ‘The Big Blue’ and there was a line in it that rang very true IN me ‘
…But it is the body that remembers, it’s a whole process, an immersion…’
now, I know that! I’m sure I’ve even said something similar many times before when teaching and in meditation, but last night it was like I had heard it for the first time.

Physically in human form we are reminded of the storehouse of memory our body holds, and I can choose to except, let go of the control and any expectations I place on myself, I can stop resisting the physical pain and surrender to the releasing of what memories that last wisdom tooth held for me? Yeah I get this - Our teeth, our crystals of our body, the structure that connects us in to our collective DNA, our link to our past and our future, our Ancestral decent.

So intellectually I can easily agree to these ‘feelings’ I can breath deeply, surrender, but what’s the story here? Maybe I have bought into the collective story that I had to have a ‘bad wisdom tooth extraction experience’ with all the trimmings, dry socket and all, maybe my ‘Identity’ needed a check, maybe my 'Ego' needed a bashing, and maybe I just didn’t want to release the dense energies stuck in with the last remaining wisdom tooth to allow me to move into a higher resonance with my full potential!
But to be completely honest, I do want to, if I’m to be authentic and free, I choose to evolve, and thus let go of the story.

So back to the story, did I bring to memory the story?

Yes, and I did it in a way that I needed to go back to my motherland of New Zealand and reconnect with some very special and unique beings that I spent all those teenage informative years with at high school.
At our 20 year school reunion, we all came together as a collective, to laugh and to dance, to make a promise to be authentic and free to feel the depth of our culture and let that move us to tears.
I was reminded of my experience at 18 of getting my first wisdom teeth out that was very traumatic under general anaesthetic, and what that meant to me in retrospect as an intrusion into my sacred space of trust, the same year I also meet my biological father for the first time…. Again a reminder of my truth and trust IN my personal power and freedom, the same year my heart was broken for the first time, and as the Koran's say the name for Wisdom teeth is ‘ love Teeth' referring the the young age and the pain of young love, a very real learning in self love and acceptance. The same year I left home for another city, and in Japanese, Wisdom teeth literally mean "unknown to the parents," from the idea that they erupt after a child has moved away.

I listen with love to my ‘self’ as I re -call and release and choose to move through this spiral of memories that my body held in that the last tooth of wisdom gained….

Friday, September 18, 2009

touching the void

What a mix up of crazy multi-coloured expressions and experiences this week has been - riding the wave home!
What a MAJOR energy of separation, a deep sense of releasing lifetimes of grief and loneliness.
Cutting the karmic ties makes one feel slightly giddy & detached then nostalgia slips in and gets you lamenting (note: a good indication of this is playing CD’s you haven’t listened to in years! Believe me!)
Its like the void is there because its part of you, you have just got to remember it, the letting go, moving on, its all perfect - it all part of ascension (oh and for the record the ‘part’ is making its way into the ‘whole’) the void is everything and at the same time nothing, its emptiness and fullness, its fear and its love.
We are being asked right here to step into this NEW version of our self(s) our DIVINITY, our Christ consciousness! We are being guided my beauties to move into love, love, love I LOVE U!

Listen to what your body has to tell you, take a minute and listen – mine is saying rest more, unfold, be with like-minds, share, breath, make crazy shapes and most of all allow!
As you become lighter love light, your body drops old patterns, recalibrates and is like - WAIT UP! This can manifest as aches, pains, sacrum issues, cramping at night in the legs, weird heavy feeling in the chest & body, sore throats, dizziness, extreme tiredness, headaches, tight necks (especially around the base of the skull- occipital ) feelings of detachment, no very engaged, wanting to give up, bored, anxious like your waiting for something to happen, but your not sure what!

Forgive it all! It’s a brave new world!

In the words of one of my old classic CD’s that I pulled out in my moment of nostalgia ‘Morcheeba
‘ The music that we make will heal our mistakes and lead us, the music that we make is always standing there to feed us’

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Free Floating

So it would seem the message's I've been getting from my own inner guidance and that of many amazing posts I read that I find and that find me, that we are in for a bit of a ride this week, so I thought I would give you a heads up. The way I see it is, that we are hitting a week of some minor (or major, depends how you look at it!) turbulence.

In saying that, BRING IT ON!

It’s ALL about clearing out the old patterns, the old 'dead wood' (perfect for spring) not just saying it but doing (or BEING) it! Be aware of the clues, or cues that are available to you, mull over them. Stay in touch with the varying and mixed emotions that you may experience from your 'self' (s) and those around you this week, find the places in your body(ies) where you feel it, absorb it, see where you go with it, maybe where you even went with it, (maybe it slipped from your fingers) don't get into the story, just notice it, release it, observation baby!

Some of you might find a little rocking and rolling as your turbulence hits a few big air pockets, you might find tucked away a few conflicting states of being (or doing) pulling you in many directions. Again notice it, have a look, and forward we go!

Lets use this energy this week to re-make our emotional body, the day (or week!) is here! It’s time my friends to clean out the closet of this emotional and physical body that you have, right here, right now!

If we hold onto our dark turmoil’s and empty promises it’s difficult to FULLY embrace the light!

The word for me this week is 'OUTDATED' re-set your energetic set point! you are your own divine creator! and I love you for it!

Rest if you need to rest, let yourself heal, don’t pick the scab of the wound!

This week find a ritual that you know and love that helps to press the 'release' button and open the Parachute! (Did I tell you that we where going to jump from the plane?!)

Find the free-floating freedom in your ‘self’? How good does that feel?!

A great quote I read is ‘ Adjust that dream of yours to fit the reality before you’ - because its just an illusion anyway!

Peace out - love and light!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A short Buddhist outlook on life

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

3. Follow the three Rs: Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

8. Spend some time alone every day.

9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.

10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.

12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.

14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.

15. Be gentle with the earth.

16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.

17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

I also know that dreams really do come true and you have my Best Wishes and my best efforts in those.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bliss & OM

Have you ever really listened to your OM?
A-U-M, the resounding resonance can be so blissful, clearing and energising, which makes a lot of sense given the OM represents the primary sound of the universe, its a big ask!
I got to thinking about how in TCM the triple warmer energy in our bodies (San Jiao) and the three 'burning spaces' relates to the OM I produce whist mediating.

As we begin the sound of the 'A' we are directing the breath and the sound, the beginning of creation to the lower heater of the body, from the lock through the base chakra it reaches deep into the body, into the small intestines, large intestines, Bladder and Kidney's.

As we move into the 'U' the sound rises up into the middle heater circulating the life force and resonance of sound in to the earth of our being, the stomach, the spleen and our liver.

Then finally as we produce the sound of 'M' it represents the destruction of creation and the beginning of the new cycle, we send that life force, breath and sound into the lungs and heart and into the spaces and cavities of the head and to our crown chakra and beyond.

OM, the purest of sounds, that creates such peace, and reminds us that peace is not outside of us but part of who we are.

OM Shanti Shanti

Saturday, May 2, 2009

guilt & the hips

Today my practice was a form of Yoga called Yin Yoga.
This is very different from the 'style' of yoga I usually practice which is very yang in nature and powerful, Yin Yoga is much more aligned with the way I teach, and has the oriental undercurrent.
Working on the hips got me to thinking about how much guilt is stored in a deep emotional level, in the hip and pelvis, especially for women, this is something that has been 'agreed' on as a collective in society, so it becomes very obvious the more aware of it we become.
The Earth element in our bodies needs nurturing, it needs time to settle in, to find it's containment, contentment and boundary's.
When we hold a hip opener posture or shape for a time and breath into that space, it untucks and unfolds the holding pattern sitting in the dark places of the pelvis, if we follow the lead of the breath and imagine the light or sunshine in that space, reaching in with love and forgiveness and filling it up, it gives permission for us to 'feel' out the emotions - the guilt, it allows us to own it or not, to question weather it is ours or not? It gives us a moment in our 'now' to capture the freedom of which is innately ours, in our body, our breath, our mind, our spirit. And from the experience of that expression we can go back there again and again.

Friday, May 1, 2009

red wine & dusk

I'm not sure why but it's taken me over a year to finally get into gear and get this blog underway.
feels good..... I'm sitting at the laptop with a vegan tofu lasagna cooking, drinking a glass of south Australian vino, that I wasn't intending on drinking after 5 days of 'clean' food.... just felt like it.
Dusk is such a powerful time, I often say to my students that it is when yin and yang meet, great time to reflect at dusk and at dawn to set an intention..... mine tonight is to enjoy the wine, and find the balance in the tofu lasagna!
So there it is, here I am.....
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