Friday, February 14, 2014

NEW!!! on-line personalised YOGA and HEALING session with Renée & Jon

One of the most transformative experiences of my yoga practice was when I spent some time working one-on-one with my yoga teacher as I was studying to become one.
 During our time together, I was really able to build my confidence — both on and off the mat — because our time was dedicated to my individual needs and desires and enabled me to craft my practice through changes in my life without loosing sight of the importance it has for my body mind and well-being. RM 

Imagine being able to do your own personal meditation, breathwork and yoga session without ever leaving the comfort of your own home, and If you are travelling all you need is your laptop and wifi!

We are now offering on-line Skype or OoVoo, one-on-one mediation and yoga sessions that includes personal distant healing calibration and fine tuning from Jon during the session. 

The benefits of doing Ki Flow yoga on-line are
Unique personalised therapeutic direction from a very skilled teacher, practitioner and healer developed especially for 
your specific needs, your body, your emotions and your well being, this includes an opening of each session with a channelled meditation aligning with your current spiritual journey and process.
You can read about Renée's unique style of teaching HERE 

How do I get started
Contact Renée via email or facebook to make a session time no matter where you are on the globe, then Renée will send you an initial short questionnaire to learn about your vision, and goals of your practise and any insights and injuries you may need to work on or be mindful of. This will also open up and initial dialogue that we can continue, as we move through the practise together and shifts occur on all levels of your being. 

Also to start off I'm also offering a once per week global on-line yoga class with a maximum of 10 people which is done via skype or Oovoo video chat , each week will be a different format based on Renées unique therapeutic somatic style of teaching, you can read more about Ki Flow yoga HERE, day and time will be posted as EST USA - TBA. 
We are taking enquires so please contact asap. 

To contact us please email or facebook us at Renée McCready or Jon Brown 

Investment price 

  • 1 hour one-on-one on-line yoga, meditation and healing sessions $80 USD 
  • group video class $25 USD  

Below is a testimonial from one of my one-on-one students JP Reynolds in Hawaii, who has had incredible results after just 2 weeks from our sessions after breaking his back just 18 weeks previous. 

Ki FLOW SKYPE DEMO VIDEO for a personalised session globally 

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