Sunday, December 30, 2012

Intent and focus for 2013

Below is an email I send to my students who are attending my START THE YEAR OF WELL early morning 5 day Yoga Intensive.  I decided to post it here on my blog so others can use the process as well. 

A review of your year 2012

Firstly take a few pieces of paper and create some stream of consciousness writing around 2012, if you stop and come across a mind blank, then just write...." I have a mind black etc..." until you move through the mind blank or road block, this may happen a few times, keep going until you have moved through at last 10 of these mind blacks.... this style of writing is often known as "mind dumping" or "a give away" 

you will notice this becoming a summary of what happened and what was important to you in 2012.  After you have started this as a free writing exercise, then try to focus on specific life areas: especially on the Big 7 areas, and write a little more detail around how you feel about each in 2012.  
  1. Relationship
  2. Business
  3. Body
  4. Mind
  5. Spirit
  6. Social (Friends & Family)
  7. Finances and Possessions
This process of self reflection helps to notice the changes in your life and it also creates clarity of what needs to change in the coming year of 2013. 

If you want to have some more inspiration and guidance for the Review part, start with asking and answering some questions like:
What have you learned this year?
What were your biggest successes?
Have you hit your goals for the year?
What was the biggest surprise?
What do you want to follow along with in the coming year?
What do you want to end?

Follow up with questions that lead you to summarize and lead you to understanding on a broader level:
Are your loved ones happy?
About what are you happy?
For what are you grateful today?
Are you happy today? 

After your review it’s time to keep this momentum of the insights from 2012, and channel these emotions into your plan for the year ahead 2013, take the Big 7 areas (as above) and write some intent and goals around each one, this can be as detailed and specific as you want, mind mapped, drawn with pictures, use colour, what ever works to get you into that creative flow, be curious, you can use these questions to self below to assist you. 

What are the areas you want to expand on in your life?
What specifically do you want to achieve in 2013?
What dream to you want to fulfil in 2013?
With whom do you want to (re-)connect? (that might be self connection as well!) 
How can you make you life more simple? 
Where do you want to travel?
How can you achieve these?

You can also use the SMART criteria to help

Once you have completed this, take the top, one intent or goal from the Big 7 areas that really resonates with you, the one that feels like there is a strong positive charge around. You can check and investigate this by sitting quietly with each of these areas, bring the feeling space of that specific area into your breath and awareness, see if you can see or feel where it sits in your body? what area? and ask the question to your inner natural self *"does this feel true to me that my focus and intent will be here ......... for the intensive?"
your body will know...  :) trust it. 

This then will become your major intent and focus that will be bought into your consciousness through our *"START THE YEAR OFF WELL" 5 day early morning intensive. What we are doing is discovering through self enquiry, then unravelling the knot in the "string" that opens the allowing to the rest of the unravelling to take place through other aspects of self, we will move this through the body from the inside out, and activate and re-calibrate from a cellular level! 

* you can use this in any aspect that you do as a focus for a few days to a week, in your regular yoga practice, still time or meditation 

You can document this process any way you like during the week, photos,  drawing, journalling, writing, vision boarding, conversation with a like mind, mind mapping (how to mind map explanation ) 

And remember that if you act on your passion it IS very capable of sustaining and supporting you, it will indeed plug you in! ♥

If your focus is around diet/health/wellbeing then this 7 day juice fast ran by the juicing guru Jason Vale is running Jan 7 - 13th It's free, and includes, shopping list, daily videos and advice sent directly to your inbox, all you have to do is sign up via the link below, the only cost is either downloading the 7lbs in 7 days ebook, or the iPhone/iBook app which is around $7, for the daily juice recipes. I'll be doing it, so moral support will be there for you, on my raw food page 

Please take a few minutes to watch this video, the message is for everyone. The pure dedication, intent and believe in this mans own healing and the beauty of one person believe in another is ore inspiring and heart opening. 
As a yogi I feel deep respect and gratitude for how yoga above all else was part of this mans incredible transformation.

Happy New year, blessings and love! 

“Movement is the song of the body. Yes the body has its own song from which the movement of dancing arises spontaneously.” Vanda Scaravelli 

Renée McCready
Holistic Health Practitioner | Yoga Teacher
Educator | Shiatsu Therapist | Raw foodie

Saturday, December 29, 2012

MUST WATCH video and Blessings for 2013 to you

Please take a few minutes to watch this video, the message is for everyone. The pure dedication, intent and believe in this mans own healing and the beauty of one person believe in another is ore inspiring and heart opening. 
As a yogi I feel deep respect and gratitude for how yoga above all else was part of this mans incredible transformation.

Blessings and love for 2013 may it bring all your dreams to manifest.

Renée x 


Monday, December 17, 2012

Master class 1 day workshop with Chris Dwyer and Renée McCready

1 day workshop in Power Vinyasa 
and Ki Flow Yoga with a detox raw food twist! 

Sunday 17th March 10.30am - 5 pm 
at YOGA TREE Elsternwick 

Starting when you arrive with a Fresh Organic Juice to activate your cells before a 3 hour POWER FLOW  Master class with teacher Chris Dwyer 
Chris enjoys working on the finer points of postures.  The theme for the first half of the day is to "Discover your hidden strength in your Vinyasa practice".  Not so much a strength building class, but a class to refine the postures we most often use. 
Working with postures to activate particular muscle groups to make it more active and gain a deeper understanding.  

Deepen your detox day with a green smoothie during your break  before

 3 hour KI FLOW Healing & Yoga workshop with Teacher Renee McCready

Renee's workshop focus will be around "Starting the year well" starting the afternoon with a guided meditation to wake up your inner vision, set some intention in your timeline for 2013, then flow through into KI FLOW'S unique therapeutic yoga processes, alignments and postures, with a focus into igniting the fire within, then finishing with some partnered shiatsu to recalibrate everything. 

Then as you leave you will take away a slice of one of Renee's delicious raw vegan plant based living cheesecakes! 

 Limited spots available! 

You can opt to choose both of either as half day workshop -  will be priced accordingly  

$150 for both workshops, including juice and take-home cheesecake.  If you can only make one of the workshops, then it is just $80 per session, including the juice or raw vegan cheesecake (depending on which session you choose).

  For more information contact Renée on 0416873 599 or Chris on 0412534 561

facebook event page here 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


We have so much happening in January and then into Term 1 in February 

at KI FLOW Healing Studio to help assist you start 2013 off with positive intention and align you with your inner most connection!

What's available for you?


 from Monday 7th till Friday 11th we have a

6.30-8am and an Investment of $125

We will start the morning with a half hour of guided meditation, to clear limiting beliefs and set intentions for 2013, we will then do 1 hour of KI FLOW Yoga's unique therapeutic techniques to align the body, mind and emotions, through physical alignment, postures and breath, using Oriental and Meridian based theory. For the purpose this Intensive it will be around the element of Fire, the heart, forward movement, direction,  change, and clearing our timelines, to allow our dreams to make manifest. 

 Limited spots available! Contact Renée on 0416 873599 
(refer a friend and  recieve a 15% discount)

A ONE day workshop in POWER FLOW and KI FLOW YOGA with Teachers Chris Dwyer and Renee McCready

(Date in February, cost and more info - TBA)

 Starting when you arrive with a green smoothie to activate your cells before a 3 hour POWER FLOW workshop with teacher Chris Dwyer 

 Chris enjoys working on the finer points of postures.  
Chris theme for the first half of the day is to "Discover your hidden strength in your Vinyasa practice"
Not so much a strength building class, but a class to refine the postures we most often use. 
Working with postures to activate particular muscle groups to make it more active and gain a deeper understanding.  

Then after lunch 

 3 hour KI FLOW Healing & Yoga workshop with Teacher Renee McCready

Renee's workshop focus will be around "Starting the year of well" starting the afternoon with a guided meditation to wake up your inner vision, set some intention in your timeline for 2013, the flow through into KI FLOW'S unique therapeutic yoga processes, alignments and postures, with a focus into igniting the fire within, then finishing with some partnered shiatsu to recalibrate everything. 

Then as you leave you will take away a slice of one of Renee's delicious raw vegan plant based living cheesecakes! 

 Limited spots available! 

You can opt to choose both of either as half day workshop -  will be priced accordingly    

Contact Renée on 0416 873599 or Chris on 0412 534561 to secure your place. 

TERM 1 starts early at KI FLOW HEALING Studio

Our Regular on-going classes commense the week of Tueday 22nd January starting of with Tuesday 9.30am and 7pm class, then Thursday 24th with our regular on-going 6pm class 

BUT we ALSO have NEW classes Commencing;

KI FLOW early morning Meditation class commences Monday 28th January 

Have u ever experienced my channelled guided meditation yet?
 In January I will be starting a regular weekly early morning class on Mondays at 6.30-7.30am "start the week of well" you are SO worth it! $15 
Secure your spot now!
 Start the year with some focus into individual intent for 2013! 

Call or txt Renée on 0416863599 
You can read about Renee's Meditation here 


KI FLOW regular on-going weekly Saturday 9.30-11am KIL FLOW yoga class commences on Saturday February 2nd

Call or txt Renée on 0416863599 to book 
You can read about Renee's unique style of YOGA here 

 And the rest of TERM 1? 

UP and coming WORKSHOPS include: 
  • RAW PLANT BASED LIVING FOOD's workshops in ELWOOD and at Autumn Retreat in Thornbury with Renee (date & info TBA) 
  • RAW FOOD Fermentation Workshop in ELWOOD (date & info TBA) 
  • 3 hour KI FLOW SUMMER YOGA and HEALING workshop focusing on heart based coherence, KI FLOW yoga, meditation and Shiatsu
  • 'AWAKEN TO SEE' one day Workshop by Mariana Ibrahim $120pp 2nd March - more info here







WHAT IS 2013 about for you? 



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